Ke každému jídlu dostanete hned na stůl ZADARMO bagetku s čimičury a criollou, což jsou dvě nejlepší "pesta", salsy nebo prostě omáčičky. Čimičuri určitě znáte, je to argentinská směs pepřů s olejem a criolla, moje oblíbená, jsou nakládané kousky papriky, cibule a různé zeleniny, také v olivovém oleji. Připravte se na to, že před Malandrinou není radno velice se nacpátvat, porce jsou opravdu obrovské a přestat jíst je nemožný. Pokud ale už opravdu ani sousto do bříška nenacpete, nechte si zbytek zabalit sebou.
A když budete mít štěstí, po jídle ještě dostanete chupito :)
Sorry, vegetarians, but this is only for meat lovers. La Malandrina is South-american steakhouse, where you can get for less then 10 euros a first-class steak from meat of your choice. The size is almost like a burdock leaf with baked potatoes, for which I'd kill. You can select from 2 variants - without or with cream and completely ignore the lost tourists who happen to wander in here and order French fries (ewww!). Because potatoes in Malandrina are maybe even better than the meat (ugh, or not, yum yum).
There is always a FREE bread with chimichurri and criolla on the table, which are two of the best "pesto" or salsa for meat. Chimichurri you know for sure, it's Argentinian mix of peppers with oil and criolla, my favorite, has pieces of marinated peppers, onion and different vegetables in olive oil. Get ready for the fact, that before Malandrino is not very advisable to fill your stomach - the portions are really huge and it is impossible to stop eating. But if you really can't stuff anymore in your belly, get the rest packed and take it for later.
And if you're lucky, you will get CHUPITO after meal :)
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