Hledáte-li nejlepší vermut bar v Barceloně, do kterého se nezatoulá jen tak kdejaký turista, o jednom vám řeknu. Ale jen tak mezi náma, mezi dvěma očima a jednou obrazovkou, jo? Chodím sem na jeden rychlej u baru, na výborný olivy, i na dlouhý povídání u stolu se starým šicím strojem. Bar, kterej tě nechá vyprávět příběhy.
Looking for the best vermouth bar in Barcelona, in which you can hide from all the tourists? I'll tell you about one. But just between us, between the two eyes and one screen, alright? I come here for one fast vermouth at the bar, the excellent olives or a long chat at a table with an old sewing machine. A bar, which let you tell stories.
Looking for the best vermouth bar in Barcelona, in which you can hide from all the tourists? I'll tell you about one. But just between us, between the two eyes and one screen, alright? I come here for one fast vermouth at the bar, the excellent olives or a long chat at a table with an old sewing machine. A bar, which let you tell stories.
Vermut 1,90 euro
Carrer del Bisbe Laguarda, 3
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